Properly Installing Child Seat Restraints
29 July 2019
Do you have questions about installing child seat restraints properly or want to know what the law says about transporting children safety in the NT?
TeamHEALTHâs Child and Family Wellbeing Services team in Katherine recently participated in a workshop with KidSafe NT about how to correctly install child seat restraints and transport children safety.
Attached below is a FAQ for Child Car Restraints in the NT or feel free to ask one of the TeamHEALTH team members in Katherine if you any questions.
KidSafe NT also provide training and courses to people living in the NT including in remote Communities.
For a small nominal fee, they can also check that seats are installed correctly into vehicles, check their manufacturing & compliance and provide a seat cover cleaning service. They are located at 1/13 Bishop Street, Woolner.
You can find more information here: