Feel Good February
3 February 2020
Welcome to Feel Good Feb. This movement is all about having the intention and taking the time to make others feel good during February and all year round. Each of us has the power to affect a positive change in the life of another person through a single act of kindness, whether it’s a smile or something that leads that person to pay that kindness forward and change the life of another.
All of us feel better when someone is kind to us and that is especially true for those in our community who are vulnerable. People who are recovering from a mental illness like depression, or who are learning to live with dementia. Mental Illnesses are widely considered to be invisible and acts of kindness and compassion can make a huge difference to the lives of people living with these or are recovering. It can help them to overcome loneliness and isolation, encourage them to build healthy relationships and improve confidence and self-esteem.
Let’s break the stigma around mental health and be proactively positive!