Take care of Your Mental Health
26 March 2020
Remember that while you may be at home by yourself for now you are NOT alone! Family, friends and loved ones are just a phone call away – and with today’s technology we can see them through Facetime or Messenger phone calls as well. We’re sending our love and good thoughts to everyone.
Tip #1 – Create a routine
Set your alarm, take a shower, get dressed. This will help us to create a sense of normality and help us feel productive.
Tip #2 – Break up your day
Where possible, change your environment for different activities. This might be something as simple as reorganising your workspace with the paperwork for each task. Maybe it means rearranging the furniture to be more consistent with what you need – a table or lamp to a different spot? Whatever will help the space feel like yours.
Tip #3 – Take care of your body
Get up and stretch – there are some great quick stretches that can be done for people who sit all day. This will help get your blood pumping and allow you to concentrate easier. Eat healthy snacks. The important thing is to take a break every now and again.
Tip #4 – Stay connected
Remember to pick up the phone and talk to people. We can text, call or even video call to help us feel less alone
Tip #5 – Limit Media Intake
We aren’t saying turn off all news and media information – just make sure that it’s coming from a reliable source. See where you can cut back on the information intake and it will help to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Tip #6 – Fight boredom
Catch up on that TV show you’ve been putting off or read that book that’s been calling your name (I, personally, have quite a few of the latter to tide me over). Stay mentally active with a jigsaw puzzle or an online course that’s caught your eye.
Tip #7 – Avoid Burnout
Set time limits for jobs and work so that you don’t get overwhelmed and have time to unwind.
Tip #8 – Focus on the positives
Amplify the good news stories. This will all pass, and we will be ok. The world might look a little different afterwards but that could be an exciting thing to experience firsthand.
Tip #9 – Take one day at a time
Remember that this is only temporary. Try not to think too far ahead. This is a tricky one, we know.
If you are struggling please remember to ask for help – make a phone call to a loved one or do something that makes you happy.
These tips were gathered from Health and Wellness – published by Karen Gilchrist on Friday, 20 March 2020.