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Binjari 2019 Ruth Reading

Child and Family Wellbeing

Our Child and Family Wellbeing team work with children aged 0 to 18 years old, who are showing early signs of, or are at risk of developing a mental illness. Working with a young person’s family members and/or other significant adult, TeamHEALTH listen to each story to fully understand a family’s situation and needs so that we can help work to strengthen the family unit and build a safe and nurturing environment.

We provide practical outreach supports that are flexible and personalised to the needs of the young person and their family. We work collaboratively with families, carer givers, schools and other supports to assist with mental health concerns.

Types of Support include:

  • Short term for up to 6 weeks, with information and referrals to other services as required
  • Long term, more intensive supports are tailored to each family’s needs
  • Case management and support for young people and their families
  • Creating a family action plan to achieve identified goals
  • Education and workshops for children, young people and their families about mental health, wellbeing and strengthening community connections
  • Participate alongside other families in a range of events
  • Community engagement including educational, school-based workshops and community group sessions

Our Child and Family Wellbeing program can be found in Palmerston, Katherine and Gunbalanya.

Call us if you wish to discuss this service in more detail or simply complete and submit the below referral form.

(Please note that you will be able to access an editable PDF through Google Chrome or Explorer browsers.)

Child & Family Wellbeing Service Referral

The Child & Family Wellbeing Service supports children/young person(s) aged 0-18 years. We work alongside families and children/young person(s) who are affected by or showing early signs of mental health concerns. Using a person-centred approach, strengths are identified and built upon to work towards goals and enhance wellbeing.

Support is available within Palmerston/Litchfield, Katherine and Gunbalanya Community.

Primary Caregiver’s Details
Participants' Details
Brief Risk Assessment – Referrer to complete for each individual referred (incl. parent/carer)
Family and Participant Risk Factors (If answering ‘yes’ please provide further details)

Detail individual name/initials in each section as required

History of suicide attempt/s or current suicide ideation
Recent traumatic life event
Current misuse of drugs or alcohol
Forensic history
Recent incident involving aggression/violence, incl. family member with DVO or aggressive behaviour etc.
Known use of weapons
Expressing intent to harm others
Preoccupation/hallucinations with violent/paranoid themes/ideas
Inappropriate sexual behaviour
Reduced ability to self-control/self-regulate
Major physical disability/illness (including infectious disease)
Known prejudices – ethnic, religions, other:
Issues with compliance eg appointments, medication. If yes, please detail:

I consent to this referral. I understand that this information will be stored on the TeamHEALTH system and may be used for reporting and audit purposes. I understand and consent that as part of reporting obligations TeamHEALTH may be required to share information with Department of Social Services (DSS), state and territory governments, or another agency contracted to DSS, for verification of eligibility, monitoring of outcomes, IT support, reporting, research and statistical purposes. This may include identifying information about me or my child/ young person(s), including mine and my child/young person(s) full name, date of birth, address, disability status, ancestry, country of birth and main language spoken at home as well as other de-identified information. I understand that no details about the content of sessions will be included in this reporting. I can request that a pseudonym be used if this is my preference. I understand and consent that Department of Social Services (DSS), state and territory governments, or another agency contracted to DSS, for verification of eligibility, monitoring of outcomes, IT support, reporting, research and statistical purposes. I am aware that Child and Family Programs at TeamHEALTH are funded by the Department of Social Services through the Family Mental Health Support Service. I understand that the Department of Social Services Privacy Agreement can be accessed at or I can request a copy from TeamHEALTH.

Completing This Form
- Please call TeamHEALTH on 1300 780 081 if you need any assistance completing this form.
- Send the completed form to:
-TeamHEALTH will contact the primary caregiver within two working days of receiving this form.
Thank you for your referral

Get in touch

To find out more about Child and Family Wellbeing services, please fill out the enquiry form below.

Do you need emergency help?

NT Mental Health Line

Ph: 1800 682 288


Ph: 13 11 14

Emergency Services

Ph: 000

Kids Helpline

Ph: 1800 55 1800

Suicide Call Back Service

Ph: 1300 659 467


Ph: 1800 650 890